Friday, February 8, 2008

Breff Wynaker

I'm the production manager for a group project at school and have yet to be able to do any artwork for the game. Wanting to contribute, I took this image Bryan drew and I painted it. It's not the style for the game, but it was a lot of fun to do.

It is twelve layers in all and took about 2 hours to complete. I really learned a lot on this one and I hope that I can apply that knowledge to my future paintings.


Jason Barnes said...

heeeey, what do ya know. im posting a comment on one post and your already posting a new one.... NO I'M NOT STALKING YOUR BLOG!!

dude the watercolor effect for the background is beaaaaaautiful. the feather textures are nice as well.

Jeff said...

I wonder how I can sign up for an e-restraining order...

Anonymous said...

Looks good Jeff

Bryan Wynia said...

Looking good man. I have had alot of fun doing this work with each other. Looking forward to more.